Hollywood actor Josh Duhamel, at the age of 51, and his wife Audra Mari, 30, are basking in the joy of welcoming their first child together, a baby boy named Shepherd Lawrence Duhamel, born on January 11, 2024. This delightful news, shared by the couple in a heartfelt Instagram post featuring a black-and-white photo of Shepherd’s tiny feet, has been a source of excitement and happiness for their fans and well-wishers.
Josh Duhamel, known for his role in “Shotgun Wedding,” and Audra Mari, a former pageant queen, have been married since September 2022. The couple first announced their pregnancy in September 2023, with Audra sharing a touching Instagram photo of her holding a sonogram. Throughout the pregnancy, Josh expressed his enthusiasm about expanding their family and his confidence in Audra’s potential as an incredible mother.
For Josh, this is a journey into fatherhood for the second time. He shares a 10-year-old son, Axl Jack, with his ex-wife, Fergie. The couple’s separation in 2017 led to a coparenting arrangement that has been amicable. Fergie has extended her well-wishes to Josh and Audra on their new addition to the family, demonstrating a supportive dynamic among them. Josh has spoken about the positive relationship between Fergie and Audra, emphasizing Fergie’s kind-hearted nature and her welcoming attitude towards Audra.
Josh’s son Axl has been eagerly anticipating the arrival of his new sibling. Josh shared in interviews that Axl was very excited and looked forward to taking on the role of a big brother. He believed that this new responsibility would be beneficial for Axl, who had been an only child until now.
The arrival of Shepherd Lawrence Duhamel marks a new chapter in the lives of Josh Duhamel and Audra Mari, bringing joy and a new sense of completeness to their family. This event has not only deepened their bond as a couple but has also brought together their extended family in a unique and heartwarming way.