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Vampire Diaries star Candice King is dating Yellowjackets Star Steven Krueger

In a delightful twist for fans of popular supernatural dramas, Candice King, renowned for her role as Caroline Forbes in “The Vampire Diaries,” and Steven Krueger, known for his portrayal of Josh Rosza in “The Originals,” have revealed their real-life romantic relationship. This unexpected yet heartwarming news was shared by Candice King through a 2023 recap video on her Instagram, capturing a sweet and intimate moment between the two with a kiss.

This revelation comes years after their respective shows concluded, with “The Vampire Diaries” ending in 2017 and “The Originals” in 2018. Both series have remained beloved among fans, and this news has undoubtedly added an extra layer of excitement. The Instagram video, which was warmly received by fans, was captioned by King with heartfelt words, “I laughed. I cried. I laughed til I cried. I loved. Thanks for the dance 2023.”

Steven Krueger, currently starring in the TV seriesYellowjackets,” is known for his role as Coach Ben Scott. Interestingly, the connection between King and Krueger was hinted at earlier in the year during a “Day in My Life” segment by Steven for Us Weekly, where the two were seen together in a friendly gathering.

The relationship has sparked joy and surprise among fans, with many expressing their support and happiness for the couple. It’s a testament to the enduring connection between the cast members of “The Vampire Diaries” and “The Originals,” who continue to share close ties even after moving on to new projects. This romantic development between King and Krueger adds a delightful real-life chapter to the legacy of these beloved shows​​​​​​.

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