The Union (2024) Movie Review: A Dull and Disappointing Action-Comedy

The Union Movie poster

Netflix’s The Union (2024), directed by Julian Farino and featuring an A-list cast led by Mark Wahlberg and Halle Berry, entered the streaming platform with high expectations. With a mix of action, comedy, and espionage, the movie had all the ingredients for an exciting thrill ride. Unfortunately, it didn’t hit the mark, leaving both audiences and critics unimpressed.

In this article, we will dive into the movie’s plot and characters, review its action scenes, examine audience reactions, and break down the reasons why The Union failed to leave a lasting impression. We’ll also touch on the ratings from key platforms and give our final verdict.

Plot Overview

The story centers around Mike McKenna (Mark Wahlberg), a blue-collar construction worker whose life takes an unexpected turn when his high school sweetheart, Roxanne (Halle Berry), returns. Roxanne works for a secret intelligence agency, The Union, and recruits Mike to join her on a high-stakes mission to recover a device containing sensitive information about government agents worldwide.

The plot sounds intriguing on the surface, but the execution is where things fall apart. Mike’s sudden transition from a simple construction worker to a spy capable of handling life-threatening missions lacks credibility. Despite the film’s attempt to inject humor and romantic tension between Mike and Roxanne, the lack of depth in both characters makes the storyline feel forced and implausible.

Generic and Predictable Plotline

One of The Union’s major issues is its predictability. The plot follows a formulaic structure that feels stale and overly familiar. Twists that are meant to shock the audience can be seen from a mile away, and the film doesn’t offer anything new to the genre. Action movies often rely on well-worn tropes, but The Union adds little creativity to make these elements stand out.

The pacing also suffers, with too much emphasis on clichéd dialogue and underdeveloped backstories, leaving viewers with little to care about when it comes to the characters’ fates. Instead of focusing on crafting an engaging narrative, the film opts for easy thrills that fall flat.

Weak Chemistry Between the Leads

Wahlberg and Berry are capable actors, but their chemistry in The Union feels off. The supposed romantic tension between their characters is undercut by a lack of emotional depth. Roxanne’s sudden reappearance in Mike’s life should spark fireworks, but the connection between them feels more obligatory than genuine. Even the script fails to give them moments that would make viewers care about their past relationships or current feelings.

Additionally, other characters, including Tom Brennan (J.K. Simmons) and tech expert Foreman (Jackie Earle Haley), don’t get enough screen time to leave a lasting impression. These supporting roles could have added layers to the story, but instead, they feel like afterthoughts, further diminishing the movie’s overall impact.

Action Without Excitement

As an action-comedy, The Union should excel in delivering heart-pounding scenes balanced with humor, but it falters on both fronts. The action sequences are serviceable but never thrilling. There’s a car chase towards the end of the film that stands out, but it’s not enough to salvage the rest of the uninspired scenes. The choreography and stunt work are competent, but they lack the adrenaline-pumping energy that action fans crave.

Halle Berry and Mark Wahlberg in The Union Movie
Halle Berry and Mark Wahlberg

The humor is similarly hit-or-miss. The film leans heavily on lighthearted banter between Mike and Roxanne, but the jokes often feel forced and out of place. Instead of enhancing the action, the comedy dilutes the tension and detracts from the overall experience.

Critical Reception

It’s no surprise that The Union has struggled to win over audiences and critics. The film’s low scores on key platforms reflect the consensus that it is a forgettable entry in the action-comedy genre.

  • Rotten Tomatoes (44%): Viewers on Rotten Tomatoes have highlighted the film’s lackluster plot and weak character development, with many expressing disappointment in how The Union wasted its talented cast​.
  • Screen Rant (5/10): Screen Rant noted that the film fails to deliver the excitement expected from a star-studded action thriller, giving it an average rating of 5/10.
  • IMDb (5.6/10): Users on IMDb were similarly underwhelmed, with many pointing out the movie’s predictable plot and lack of originality​.

What Went Wrong?

Several factors contribute to The Union’s downfall:

  • Poor Character Development: Mike’s sudden induction into the world of espionage feels rushed and unrealistic. The film doesn’t spend enough time fleshing out his character or explaining why he’s suited for such a dangerous mission.
  • Lack of Chemistry: The romantic tension between Mike and Roxanne feels contrived, leaving viewers emotionally detached from their relationship.
  • Predictable Plot: The movie’s twists and turns are easily anticipated, making the story feel formulaic and uninspired.
  • Flat Humor: The comedic moments miss the mark, failing to add any real charm or wit to the film.

My Rating: 4.5/10

In my opinion, The Union deserves a rating of 4.5/10. While the film does have a few entertaining moments and the action scenes are competently staged, its overall execution leaves much to be desired. The lack of character depth, predictable plot, and underwhelming humor make it a movie that you’ll likely forget soon after watching.

If you’re looking for a mindless action flick to pass the time, The Union might suffice. However, if you’re hoping for something with more substance, wit, or heart, there are far better options available.


Despite its star-studded cast and intriguing premise, The Union falls short of expectations. The lack of originality, underdeveloped characters, and weak chemistry between the leads make it a disappointing entry in the action-comedy genre. With low ratings across the board, it’s clear that The Union is a missed opportunity that will quickly fade from memory.